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GET to consider permitting 'small scale employment uses' at rural homes

The business operator would be required to live at the property under this proposal
Township of Guelph/Eramosa sign in front of the municipal office. Keegan Kozolanka/GuelphToday file photo

GUELPH/ERAMOSA – The Township of Guelph/Eramosa is considering zoning changes that would permit “small scale employment uses” at rural homes in agricultural areas. 

This proposal will be the subject of a public meeting held by the township early Monday afternoon. 

Proposed changes are not on a specific property but a municipally led change to allow small scale commercial and industrial uses on small lots zoned agricultural.

Permitted uses on the property would include woodworking, small engine repair or other similar crafts and individuals employed in the building trades such as stone masonry, carpenters, electricians, painters, plumbers, sheet metal workers and general contractors. 

The primary purpose of the property is required to be residential and occupied by the person operating the business. 

Not included business uses include:

  • Wholesale outlet
  • Warehouse
  • Contractor or tradesperson establishment
  • Retail store
  • Automobile service
  • Transport establishment

The bylaw would also only permit two employees in addition to the permanent resident and there would be no open storage of goods allowed. 

The public meeting will be held Monday starting at 1 p.m. both virtually and in-person at council chambers. 

The full agenda and steps to participate virtually can be found here.