In the past five days, there have been 12 reported drug poisonings in Guelph and area, reports Wellington Guelph Drug Strategy. Among them is one fatality.
“Please exercise extreme caution with fentanyl that is light blue in colour,” reads a social media post made Monday. “The current supply may be more potent than usual and is contributing to prolonged sedation.”
As a result, multiple doses of naloxone and other airway interventions may be needed to support breathing, the alert explains, noting prolonged sedation is particularly concerning in light of winter exposure risks.
Highlighted on the notice, the risk of drug poisoning can be reduced by:
- Carrying naloxone
- Not doing drugs while along or calling the National Overdose Response Service at 1-888-688-6677
- Using the consumption and treatment site supervised by health professionals at the Guelph Community Health Centre (GCHC) on Wyndham Street
- Testing substances prior to use at the GCHC, using its Scatr Machine, or a testing kit obtained through the Sauguen Community Health Van.