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Developers cleared to remove trees for future Erin subdivision

This does not grant any approval for the proposed 600-unit subdivision on Eighth Line
Developers have been given the go ahead to begin tree and vegetation removal for a future subdivision.

ERIN – Erin council wasn’t thrilled about it but developers have been given the green light to remove trees and vegetation to clear the way for a large future subdivision.

At a Thursday afternoon council meeting, Erin council narrowly approved a site alteration agreement for a future subdivision on Eighth Line near Sideroad 17. 

Developers Mattamy and Coscorp combined have proposed to build a 618-unit subdivision just outside of the village. 

This approval did not give any approval for building but allowed for vegetation removal, tree removal, clearing, grubbing and installation of erosion control fencing.

This application was subject to a public meeting in early February which saw a lot of attendees wishing to discuss the broader issue of the development rather than the specific site alteration proposal.

Senior planner Michelle Baya said there will be a protected natural heritage area, some trees will be kept and removal will take place on a timeline stipulated by the Migratory Birds Act and Endangered Species Act.

Coun. John Brennan wanted to stress the site alteration plan does not give any approval to build housing and pointed out there was a 350 page report that made sure developers are following all requirements.

“The important things are being done, the birds will be protected, some of the trees will be protected, there’s still green space,” said Coun. Jamie Cheyne.

Coun. Cathy Aylard however, said she was drawing a line in the sand with this and couldn’t support the application “with a clear conscience.”

“I have an ever growing concern about the lack of urban planning on a whole for the town that’s taken place to create the kind of community I want to live in,” she said. “We don’t have a traffic management plan, an active transportation plan, we don’t have realistic plans for recreational facilities.”

Mayor Michael Dehn encouraged developers to bring these sorts of applications to council sooner as he felt there was a lot to digest in a short period of time. 

“Not that I necessarily like what’s going to happen but there’s nothing really legislatively that we could do,” Dehn said. “The building code is going to tell us in the future how we manage this development.”

Erin council approved the site alteration application in a 3-2 vote with Aylard and Coun. Bridget Ryan opposed.

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Keegan Kozolanka

About the Author: Keegan Kozolanka

Keegan Kozolanka is a general assignment reporter for EloraFergusToday, covering Wellington County. Keegan has been working with Village Media for more than two years and helped launch EloraFergusToday in 2021.
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