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New member sought for county's accessibility advisory committee

A notice from the County of Wellington stated the person must be a person with disabilities, a caregiver or involved in an organization for people with disabilities
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WELLINGTON COUNTY – The County of Wellington is looking for someone with lived experience to join its accessibility advisory committee (AAC). 

A notice from the county said it is looking for someone to join the committee who is either involved with organizations for people with disabilities, is a caregiver for people with disabilities or a person living with a disability as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code. 

The AAC’s mandate is to advise municipal councils, both county-level and local-level, on the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to people with disabilities. This includes preparing, reviewing and evaluating accessibility plans. 

The committee meets four times per year and members are compensated for mileage and given a per diem. 

Applicants must reside in the County of Wellington and be at least 18 years old. 

Those interested are asked to contact Christine Carbone, human resources assistant, by email or by phone at 519-837-2600 ext. 2650 by Feb. 24 to receive an application form.