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Build a sweet local network

Communities thrive with strong local business networks

Article provided by the Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce

We at the Chamber are always talking about the sweetest part of a community like CW – it’s truly the local business network!

Building a local network is not just an empty business term; it's the secret sauce that spices up our economic scene.

Think about it like this: when our local businesses team up, something delicious happens. When people connect, they share tricks of the trade, have each other's backs during tough times, and form a united front against whatever uncertainty may come our way. It's not just about making money; it's about building a tasty support system that turns every small victory into a community win.

So, next time you're sipping your local coffee or munching on a snack from the corner bakery, remember – those businesses are not just neighbors; they're baking a local business network making our community thrive.

We want you to put being active in our local business community on your 2024 menu. There are a few ways that we at the CW Chamber of Commerce can help you.

There is always something going on at the CW Chamber of Commerce.

Reach out to learn more about our educational series, advertising opportunities, events and how to get involved in our local business community. Visit


MB Cleaning is a local residential cleaning company, striving to deliver high quality service to clients while offering employees a living wage and much needed benefits. With over 12 years experience in the community MB Cleaning continues to find ways to improve. The staff are highly trained and diligently maintain the training and certifications needed to make the workplace safe and functional. Plus, the MB Cleaning Guaranteed work – means they’ll return free of charge if a client isn't satisfied.

In 2023, MB Cleaning joined the Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce to get involved locally, with the goal of expanding their network and becoming more community based. Small businesses are such an important part of our local economy, and MB Cleaning love being one and supporting others. They are also participating in the our 26 Coffees program and can’t wait to make more connections in the area. Additionally, each month MB Cleaning highlight new ways they support and give back to those in our community.

You can connect with MB Cleaning on Instagram (@mbcleaning) or visit them at 

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