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Alzheimer Society sends 'urgent' call to community

Fundraising and participation for this Saturday's Waterloo-Wellington walk only halfway to goal
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Only Halfway to Our Goal: Help Us Reach 500 Walkers and $120,000 

The Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington urgently calls on the community to participate in the upcoming IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s, taking place on Saturday, May 25 in Kitchener, Guelph, and Mount Forest. With just days remaining, we are only halfway to our goal of 500 participants and $120,000 in funds raised. Your support is critical to ensure we can continue providing essential dementia-based programs, services, and support. 

Last year, our community showed incredible commitment, raising over $116,000. This year, we need your help more than ever. Dementia affects approximately 750,000 Canadians, including over 41,000 individuals in the Waterloo Wellington region. The growing need for services makes our fundraising efforts vital to maintaining free and accessible programs for those impacted by this condition. 

Michelle Martin, Executive Director at Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington, emphasizes the urgency: "We are at a crucial point in our fundraising efforts. The support from this event is essential for us to continue offering vital resources and services to those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. We need the community to rally together to help us reach our goal." 

The Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington is committed to raising awareness and understanding of Alzheimer’s disease, while empowering individuals and families with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate this challenging journey. The funds raised from the Walk for Alzheimer’s will directly impact our ability to provide unwavering support and critical services at no cost to those affected. For more information about the Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington and to register or donate, please visit Every step counts—join us and make a difference. 
