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Wellington Federation of Agriculture in support of provincial agritourism growth bill

The Growing Agritourism Act protects operators from liability of any harm that comes to participants that is a result of an inherent risk
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Visitors to a farm got close up to a cow.

WELLINGTON COUNTY – A local agriculture advocacy group is putting its support behind a provincial bill that it said would allow farm owners to further diversify their operations through agritourism by mitigating risks associated with it. 

Perth-Wellington MPP Matthew Rae tabled the Growing Agritourism Act in April which is now before a standing committee.

The bill defines agritourism as a “form of nature-based or culinary tourism that allows visitors to learn about, explore and taste Ontario’s bountiful agriculture products. Agritourism is an industry ripe for growth and economic opportunity, offering Ontario farmers diversified incomes.”

Examples of agritourism could be a pick-your-own fruit farm, a bed and breakfast, petting zoo, horse trail rides, corn maze, wine tasting and more.

If passed, the bill protects agritourism operators from liability from any harm a participant sustains during an activity that is a result of a “risk inherent” in an agritourism activity as long as the operator includes specific warning language in signs at or near the main entrance to each activity or in every contract. 

In a letter, the Wellington Federation of Agriculture (WFA) said it endorses the act. 

“It provides resources and supports members within our county to farm in a safe and economically viable way,” the letter stated.

“The ability for farm business owners to diversify their operations is instrumental in ensuring their financial resilience.”

The bill is currently before the Standing Committee on the Interior and will need to pass a third reading and receive royal assent before it comes into effect.